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Optimizing Wellness for Success

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Chris Cavallini, a three-time TRAIN cover model, has achieved success in various aspects of his life by prioritizing wellness. While his physique is the result of hard work in the gym, it is his overall well-being that has allowed him to excel. Cavallini shares his weekly schedule, which includes not only fitness and nutrition but also other wellness practices that contribute to his success. By following his advice, you can improve your own quality of life.

Although wellness and fitness may seem like a perfect match, they can also be at odds with each other. It is possible to appear physically fit on the outside while being unhealthy on the inside, both physically and mentally. To achieve a balance that promotes longevity and optimal living, it is important to prioritize wellness. Wellness is not just something pursued by those with ample time and resources; as proven by Chris Cavallini, it is an attainable goal for anyone. Cavallini has optimized each day to succeed in multiple areas of his life, starting with his business, Nutrition Solutions. As the founder of this eight-figure meal prep company, Cavallini has experienced significant growth and success. In addition to his business endeavors, he is also an active investor, maintains a personal brand, and advises celebrity athletes on their fitness journeys. All of this is accomplished while staying in cover model shape. Given the precious nature of his time, Cavallini has developed a weekly schedule that ensures he has the physical and mental clarity to succeed. In an interview with TRAIN’s editor in chief, Cavallini shares his schedule and provides insights on how he incorporates various wellness practices into his routine. By following his essential advice, you can experience greater calm, improved health, and more enjoyment in your own life.

Unlocking Your Wellness Potential

Wellness involves deliberate and consistent actions to optimize how you feel, think, and perform. There are different levels of wellness, and you can maximize each element of your life by following these principles:

Chris Cavallini’s Weekly Wellness Schedule

4:50am Wake up
5 – 5:10 am Practice gratitude
5:15 – 5:25 am Breathwork
5:30 – 5:40 am Cold shower
6 – 6:40 am Fasted cardio
7 – 7:25 am Sauna
7- 8:15 pm Training
8:30 – 8:45 pm Stretching
11pm Sleep

4:50am Wake up
5 – 5:10 am Practice gratitude
6 – 6:40 am Fasted cardio
6:50 – 7 am Cold shower
10 – 11:15 am Training
7 – 8 pm Massage
11pm Sleep

4:50am Wake up
5 – 5:10 am Practice gratitude
5:15 – 5:25 am Breathwork
6 – 6:40 am Fasted cardio
7 – 7:25 am Sauna
7:30 – 7:40 am Cold shower
7- 8:15 pm Training
8:30 – 8:45 pm Stretching
11pm Sleep

4:50am Wake up
5 – 5:10 am Practice gratitude
5:15 – 5:25 am Breathwork
5:30 – 5:40 am Cold shower
7- 8:15 pm Training
8:30 – 8:45 pm Stretching
11pm Sleep

4:50am Wake up
5 – 5:10 am Practice gratitude
6 – 6:40 am Fasted cardio
7 – 7:25 am Sauna
7:30 – 7:40 am Cold shower
7- 8:15 pm Training
11pm Sleep

4:50am Wake up
5 – 5:10 am Practice gratitude
5:20 – 5:30 am Cold shower
7- 8:15 pm Training
8:30 – 8:45 pm Stretching
11pm Sleep

4:50am Wake up
5 – 5:10 am Practice gratitude
5:15 – 5:25 am Breathwork
7 – 7:25 am Sauna
7:30 – 7:45 am Stretching
7- 8:15 pm Training
11pm Sleep

Expressing Gratitude

Upon waking up each morning, Cavallini practices gratitude. He considers everything and everyone he is thankful for, including his bed, his home, his dog, and the people in his life. He focuses on the positive aspects, even in challenging situations, as they provide opportunities for growth and improving the lives of others. Starting the day with a sense of gratitude sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Breathwork Benefits

Cavallini incorporates breathwork into his routine several times a week, following the Wim Hof breathing protocols. This involves deep inhalations followed by controlled exhalations and breath holds. This practice helps clear his mind and start the day on a positive note.

The Power of Cold Showers

Cavallini takes a cold shower every day as a form of cold-water immersion therapy. This practice has numerous benefits, including improving the immune system, enhancing mood, and developing discipline. Despite the initial discomfort, starting the day with a challenging activity sets the tone for the rest of the day, resulting in increased focus, improved mood, and higher energy levels.

Embracing Heat

During the COVID lockdowns, Cavallini started training outdoors in the heat of the day. He noticed that this had a positive impact on his energy levels and mental well-being. Research shows that heat shock proteins, which are released during exposure to heat, have numerous benefits. Cavallini incorporates sauna sessions into his routine to further enhance these benefits. Sitting in the sauna improves his mood, clarity, and overall well-being.

Enhancing Flexibility

Cavallini emphasizes the importance of regular stretching, which has been a game changer for him. He uses the ROMWOD app to guide his stretching routine and has experienced significant improvements in his athletic performance and overall well-being. Stretching helps relieve stress and tension in the body, particularly in the hip flexors and psoas muscle. By setting goals and consistently stretching, Cavallini has achieved impressive results. He also recommends the use of a product called Pso-Rite for targeted muscle release.

The Benefits of Massage

Cavallini understands the value of balancing intense training with massage therapy. He incorporates either deep tissue sports massage or Neurosomatic therapy into his weekly routine to address any tight or problematic areas in his body. Massage has been proven to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Even a short massage session can provide significant benefits.

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