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Home Nutrition Can a Keto Diet Help Improve Exercise Performance?

Can a Keto Diet Help Improve Exercise Performance?

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Thinking about taking on a new exercise routine and diet at the same time? Be prepared for a challenge.

Embarking on a new exercise regimen can increase your hunger levels, making it more difficult to stick to a low-calorie diet.

One solution is to avoid starting a diet and exercise plan simultaneously. Instead, it may be more beneficial to stagger them, allowing your body to adapt gradually.

But what if you’re already exercising and want to incorporate the ketogenic diet to enhance weight loss?

This situation can be even trickier since carbohydrates provide energy but are often seen as the enemy of weight loss.

Fortunately, emerging research offers some insight into this dilemma.

The Science Behind Carbohydrates

Conventional wisdom dictates that consuming carbohydrates before exercise is crucial for providing energy.

However, recent research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition suggests that the traditional approach may not be the only option.

The study examined six scientific publications on the topic and found inconclusive evidence supporting or disproving the efficacy of a ketogenic diet compared to a high-carbohydrate eating plan.

This lack of a definitive result could be viewed as favorable for those following a ketogenic diet.

Furthermore, the same paper highlighted research indicating that ketogenic diets may help reduce lactate buildup after exercise, promoting better recovery.

Even endurance athletes like Chris Froome have embraced low-carb diets, with Froome winning three Tour De France competitions while adhering to this eating plan.

If someone can achieve such athletic success while on a low-carb diet, it suggests that the ketogenic lifestyle can effectively fuel pre-workout training sessions.

Implementing a Keto Diet

So, what does all this mean for you?

It’s important to approach this research with some caution, as individual body types may respond differently.

Some experts suggest that it may take several months for your body to fully adapt to a keto diet, especially if you’re aiming for endurance-level performance like that seen in the Tour De France.

However, for the average person looking to burn fat, feel alert, and enhance overall performance, a ketogenic eating plan can be highly beneficial.

It has been reported that a keto diet can provide increased mental clarity and focus by utilizing ketones for energy.

Many athletes claim that following a ketogenic diet helps them feel more relaxed yet focused—a mindset that is perfect for achieving sporting excellence.

If you still crave carbohydrates but want to maintain the benefits of being in ketosis, there are alternatives available, such as It’s Skinny pasta and rice.

These products have only 9 calories and 0 net carbs while being high in fiber, keeping you satiated for longer periods and helping you reach your weight goals.

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